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In May 2019, the GOSC team assembled in Dunedin. Our modus operandi was to film, fraternise, and spread the GOSC program amongst the good folks of the wave-rich but warmth-starved province.

The Gnome family flew in from Aus, Ford from Wellington, with Dev and Ruby flying in to document. Among the locals, Rob had a new business to run, Jack was injured, and with Sam Pasley recently parting ways with GOSC, the crew was lean on numbers… Enter super-sub off the bench Jonas Tawharu!

Don’t get it twisted - there was no attempt to lure Jonas off his trusty Rusty boards and he rode Rustys the whole trip. We’d like to thank him hugely for his continuous froth and high-class shredding the entire week.

Sit back, roll the clip and get acquainted with the GOSC program.